28-30 August 2024
Brisbane - Sofitel Brisbane Central

Welcome to the AIPIO Intelligence 2024 website, the home for all relevant information about the conference.

Aligned with our goal of making the conference available nationally we are this year returning to Brisbane for our National Conference.

We look forward to seeing everyone there.

The AIPIO (www.aipio.asn.au) is the peak representative body for intelligence practitioners in Australia. Our goal is to establish and promote intelligence as a widely recognised profession in Australia, and our membership is drawn from a wide range of domains including government, national security, the armed forces, law enforcement, business, academia, the media, information technology and information service providers.

The theme for Intelligence 2024 is "Sustaining and Building the Intelligence Profession" with subthemes of Accountability, Capability, Renewal and Developing Your Tradecraft.

Sustaining and Building the Intelligence Profession

The Australian Institute of Professional Intelligence Officers (AIPIO) is committed to growing the intelligence body of knowledge through scholarship, professionalisation of practice, support to major intelligence research projects, as well as professional and social collaboration amongst practitioners.

Our highly interconnected world is being reshaped by strategic competition, with growing complexity arising at the national and local levels. All domains of intelligence practice are confronting this complexity, working to glean insights for timely and effective decision making. A robust intelligence profession is a critical influence and key national resource in securing our defence, security, and well-being.

Intelligence 2024 – the AIPIO annual international conference - will examine what is needed to sustain and build the intelligence profession in Australia during these challenging times. With expanding investment in the intelligence profession, we should anticipate strengthened accountability mechanisms. Also, the capability mix is likely to change, to better prepare for new challenges and to leverage the best of whole of national support. Finally, this is a chance for renewal – bringing new perspectives and approaches to bear on the intelligence profession. These three factors will form the sub-themes of Intelligence 2024.


Accountability is a crucial aspect of the intelligence profession, underpinning the social contract for a robust intelligence profession. Intelligence professionals are accountable for their actions and decisions and that accountability helps to maintain public trust and confidence in the intelligence enterprise. Additionally, accountability helps to ensure that intelligence activities, especially emerging practices, are conducted within the bounds of the law and ethical standards.


Capability is the ability of intelligence professionals to collect, analyse, and disseminate information and insights effectively and efficiently. Capability involves generating the necessary intelligence skills, knowledge, and resources to address emerging challenges. Designing, developing, and maintaining these capabilities – people, processes, and technologies – is essential for the intelligence profession to drive change and influence and contribute to national resilience.


Renewal involves several aspects, including evolving intelligence practice, improving recruitment and retention of personnel, investing in training and education, modernising technology and infrastructure, and enhancing collaboration and partnerships with other agencies and organisations. Additionally, promoting diversity and inclusivity within the intelligence community can help to bring in new perspectives and ideas. Adapting to evolving threats and challenges requires agility and innovation, which can be achieved through continuous learning and improvement. Public Private Partnerships (PPP) will likely play a key role in renewal.

Developing your Tradecraft

Whether you are a seasoned professional or looking to enter the intelligence field, the importance of building, reviewing and mastering fundamentals of the intelligence discipline is vital. These practical sessions will provide insight into the range of duties for intelligence professionals in different practice domains whilst strengthening your soft, technical and leadership skills.

Snap shot of Intelligence 2023 delegate breakdown

Different agencies represented among the delegates.

Delegates represent all countries that make up the Five Eyes (FVEY) Intelligence alliance, including Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Indicated that they would attend future AIPIO Conferences.

Why Attend?

Intelligence 2024 provides a unique opportunity for intelligence managers, leaders, and practitioners to generate new ideas, discover successful strategies and learn the processes that are driving the future. It delivers the insight, opportunity, and connections we need to build a bigger, more robust and versatile intelligence focus in our organisation.

Who Should Attend?

This conference is relevant to intelligence leaders, managers, practitioners as well as industry. Whether you are from law enforcement, business, regulatory, security, finance, academia, government, or any other domain of intelligence practice – this conference is for you.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities for Intelligence 2024 are available.

If you are interested in receiving further information, please contact Conference Organiser.

Key Information

Intelligence 2024

28 - 30 August 2024


22 March 2024*:  First in Rate Closes
28 June 2024: Early Bird Closes

* or earlier -limit of 50 First in registrations available

Call for Papers

19 April 2024: Abstract submissions now closed
19 May 2024: Contributors notified
2 August 2024: Full paper submissions due.

AIPIO Annual Awards
Stay tuned for more details on the 2024 AIPIO Awards.

Thank you to our sponsors for supporting Intelligence 2024

Diamond Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsor
Silver Sponsor
Bronze Sponsor
Bronze Sponsor
Conference Sponsor
Conference Dinner
Satellite Breakfast
Welcome Reception
Coffee Cart
Conference App
Table at Roundtable Discussion
Table at Roundtable Discussion
Media Partner
Media Partner

Highlights from Intelligence 2023

Make sure you are part of this amazing, unique and diverse Intelligence Conference.